Talks of the possibility of martial law get more and more popular each year, and whether or not it is going to happen, given the drastic effect it will have on civilian life in the United States it’s certainly a scenario worth anticipating and preparing for.
What is martial law?
Martial law is when regular laws are suspended and replaced by military law. The military temporarily takes over the government and curfews are imposed. It usually happens in the event of a massive disaster, enemy invasion or wide-scale civil unrest.
What can you do?
In many ways, there’s only so much we can do to prepare for martial law, it will most likely be virtual suicide to attempt to “fight” it. However, there’s still plenty you can be doing at home to gird yourself in the event of martial law.
- Stock up:
At the risk of stating the obvious, keeping your home well-equipped with plenty of non-perishable food, water, medical supplies, water filtration systems, reusable light or energy and emergency radios is always prudent and will definitely give you an advantage if martial law is imposed.
- Stash up
There are rumors that if martial law was imposed, food stores could be confiscated. There’s no telling if this is true, but it might be wise to consider smartly obscuring some of your food and supplies, not just in case of confiscation but also because if martial law is being imposed, it is likely there might be a lot of looters or rioters at the same time either because of disaster or the civil unrest that caused martial law to be instated in the first place.
- Smarten up
Martial law is no time to be a vigilante, although it might be tempting. If you’ve got a family to protect and keep alive, you’ll want to keep your head down and lay low. Obey the laws as best you can, abide by the curfew, don’t make trouble, don’t ask questions, and don’t draw attention to yourself. There might be cases where standing up to the powers that be is what you are called to do for ideological or spiritual reasons, but if your sole aim is survival, don’t invite the wrath of a martial law military and do whatever you can to go unnoticed. We won’t have our constitutional rights anymore under military law, and that includes a right to trial by jury, Miranda rights, protection against cruel and unusual punishment and definitely free speech, so educate yourself with what martial law means specifically so you can abide by those laws and it won’t catch you by surprise that you don’t live in a free state anymore
We won’t have our constitutional rights anymore under military law, and that includes a right to trial by jury, Miranda rights, protection against cruel and unusual punishment and definitely free speech, so educate yourself with what martial law means specifically so you can abide by those laws and it won’t catch you by surprise that you don’t live in a free state anymore
Martial law is very important to be informed on when you are a prepper because many of the events we try to be prepared for might bring about martial law, at least temporarily, so keep it in mind as you prepare for the worst.