It’s easy to think of the basics. Freeze-dried food, first aid supplies, clean drinking water, blankets, etc.
But there are a number of surprising survival items that you should be stocking up on as well, that might not immediately come to mind. Your life in a survival situation or after a disaster won’t look like it does now, so there are certain needs you might not anticipate.
This is a list of several unexpected survival items you shouldn’t discount the value of!
1. Bandanas: you’ll want to look cool in any survival situation, right? Just kidding. While bandanas might be very stylish in any fashion era, they’re also incredibly useful. They can be used as sun protection, bandages, washcloths, tourniquets, you name it. You can usually find these in cheap packs at dollar stores or Walmart, so stock up.
2. Baking soda: baking soda has about as many uses as you can think of. It cleans, deodorizes, scrubs, sanitizes; it can virtually replace nearly any personal hygiene and cleaning product.
3. Crowbar: you never know what you might need to pry open after SHTF. This can also be used as a very effective blunt object. This is a crucial tool to have on hand.
4. Dust masks: there are too many reasons to name why you should always stock up on dust masks. Incredibly important self-protection and first aid item, get as many dust masks as you can.
5. Pantyhose: this is another fantastic multi-purpose survival item. Not only can they add an extra layer of warmth and keep your feet protected on long treks, they can also be used to improvise all kinds of other tools.
6. Vaseline: this has a whole ton of first aid uses as well. It can even be used as a firestarter. If it’s not already a regular fixture in your medicine chest, it should be. And get some extra tubs for emergencies, too.
7. WD-40: ask any mechanic; WD-40 can solve pretty much anything. Make sure to have plenty of this around for a time when you might need to repair something yourself.
8. Cable ties: cable ties can work wonders when it comes to securing gear, repairing tools or equipment, and can even be used as tourniquets or to keep heavy bandages in place.
We hope this list has been useful and inspiring! Consider putting some of these items on your preparedness shopping list today.
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