I don’t think you can ever have too many resources for edible plants, and we’ve written about them plenty on this site. Sometimes, though, you just need a handy reference, and this infographic is a great chart that you could print out and stick in your bug out bag or other hard copy survival resources you might have.
The key to learning edible plants is to become very familiar with them, rather than simply learning about a few wild edibles here and there and expecting you’ll remember them when it comes time to rely on this knowledge.
So something like this would be very handy to hang up on your fridge and study every day, along with looking for these plants in your local area. There’s something about learning about a new plant that will make you see it everywhere you go, this happened to me when I learned about plantain (which is a great survival edible to know about, by the way!).
Enjoy, this great resource from Maclanders.com: